Tierra De Nadie - No Mans Land
Drawing installation
‘No Mans Land’ paper and graphite pencil. 5 meters x 183 cm.
‘Skin:Salve’ Masking tape. 150 X 450 cm.
Galeria Marie Louise Ferrari, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
The show consisted of two large drawings exploring the migration and exploitation of migrant workers.
‘No Mans Land’ located in the main gallery was suspended horizontally in a landscape form, The surface image is a drawing based on magnified skin rendered in graphite pencil on white paper.The drawing ‘Skin:Salve’ uses masking tape to form a text in the maritime signaling code of Semaphore. The text is a fragment of poetry from the Old Testament, Psalm 23. ' yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me". Bandaged directly onto the wall the talisman phrase asks who is with whom, protecting whom, responsible for whom ‘in the dangerous in between territory of no mans land.’ *
*"The Mind in Winter - Reflections on Life in Exile" Edward Said, 1984.